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Aia Document B101 Standard Form of Agreement between Owner and Architect

AIA Document B101: Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect

If you`re embarking on a construction project, you probably know how important it is to have a solid agreement with your architect. One of the most widely used contracts for this purpose is AIA Document B101, the Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Architect.

The American Institute of Architects (AIA) developed this standard contract to provide a clear framework for the relationship between the owner and the architect. Let`s take a closer look at what this document covers.

Scope of Services

When you hire an architect, you need to know exactly what they`ll be doing for you. The B101 contract spells out the architect`s scope of services in detail, including things like:

– Programming, site analysis, and feasibility studies

– Schematic design, design development, and construction documents

– Bidding and negotiations with contractors

– Construction administration and project closeout

By defining what the architect will and won`t do, the B101 contract can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the line.


Of course, you`ll also want to know how much the architect will be paid for their services. The B101 contract specifies the compensation method, which can be:

– A percentage of the cost of the work

– A fixed fee

– A time-based fee

The contract also outlines how changes to the scope of services or construction cost will affect the architect`s compensation.


The B101 contract includes a detailed schedule for the project, which outlines milestones and deadlines for each phase of the project. This helps ensure that everyone involved is working towards the same goals and deadlines.

Ownership of Documents

During the course of the project, the architect will produce a variety of documents, from sketches to construction drawings. The B101 contract specifies who owns these documents and how they can be used.

Dispute Resolution

Even if everyone starts with the best of intentions, disagreements can still arise during a construction project. The B101 contract includes a dispute resolution clause, which outlines how any disputes will be settled. The options include:

– Mediation

– Arbitration

– Litigation

By including this clause upfront, the parties involved can hopefully avoid costly and time-consuming legal battles.


Overall, AIA Document B101 is a comprehensive and widely used contract that can help ensure a successful and productive relationship between the owner and architect. By clearly defining the scope of services, compensation, schedule, ownership of documents, and dispute resolution, the B101 contract can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.