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Criminal Code of Canada Remediation Agreements

The Criminal Code of Canada Remediation Agreements: What You Need to Know

In 2018, the Canadian government introduced remediation agreements as an alternative to criminal charges for corporations accused of certain offenses. The aim of this program is to encourage companies to take responsibility for their actions and rectify any harm caused to the public, while also avoiding the potentially devastating consequences of a criminal conviction.

What are remediation agreements?

Remediation agreements, also known as deferred prosecution agreements or DPAs, are voluntary agreements between the prosecution and the accused corporation. Under the terms of the agreement, the company must take specific remedial measures, such as paying fines, restitution, or implementing compliance programs, among other things, to address any harm caused by their actions. In return, the prosecution agrees to suspend any criminal proceedings and eventually withdraw them if the company fulfills all the terms of the agreement.

What offenses are eligible for remediation agreements?

Remediation agreements are only available for specific offenses under the Criminal Code of Canada, such as fraud, bribery, and corruption, that have caused significant economic harm or risk to the public. The accused corporation must also have cooperated with the prosecution and demonstrated that they have taken steps to prevent future occurrences.

How do remediation agreements benefit corporations?

Remediation agreements have several benefits for corporations accused of committing certain offenses. First and foremost, they avoid the stigma and reputational damage associated with a criminal conviction, which could deter clients, investors, and partners. They also avoid the potential loss of licenses, permits, and contracts that may result from a criminal conviction. Furthermore, remediation agreements provide a clear path to compliance and can signal to the public and investors that the corporation is willing to take responsibility for its actions and make amends.

How do remediation agreements benefit the public?

From a public perspective, remediation agreements can provide a more expeditious and efficient way of addressing corporate wrongdoing, while also providing restitution to affected parties. They can also provide an opportunity for companies to take proactive measures to prevent future occurrences, which can improve their long-term sustainability. Moreover, remediation agreements can free up resources that would otherwise be directed towards prosecuting and convicting corporations to more effectively deter and prevent future offenses.


In conclusion, the introduction of remediation agreements to the Criminal Code of Canada represents a significant shift in how corporate wrongdoing is addressed. By providing an alternative to criminal proceedings, remediation agreements can benefit both corporations and the public by providing a more efficient, effective, and just way of addressing corporate wrongdoing. As such, remediation agreements are a valuable tool in addressing corporate misconduct while also promoting accountability and transparency in business.