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Live in Relationship Agreement Format India

In recent years, the concept of live-in relationships has gained widespread acceptance in India. Unlike traditional marriages, live-in relationships do not have any legal binding. This makes it necessary for couples to have a live-in relationship agreement in place.

A live-in relationship agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and responsibilities of couples living together without getting married. It protects the rights of both partners and ensures that there is clarity in their relationship.

The format of a live-in relationship agreement in India is not regulated by any law. However, it should typically include the following elements:

1. Details of the partners: The live-in relationship agreement should start with the names, ages, and addresses of both partners.

2. Duration of the relationship: The agreement should specify the duration of the live-in relationship, including the date it started and a tentative end date.

3. Finances: Partners must discuss how they will contribute to the household expenses and how they will handle joint expenses. This can include rent, utilities, groceries, and other costs.

4. Property: The agreement should specify the property brought into the live-in relationship, and how it will be managed. This includes assets like furniture, appliances, vehicles, and bank accounts.

5. Domestic duties: Both partners should agree on who will perform specific domestic duties, such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry.

6. Dispute resolution: Partners should agree on how they will resolve disputes that may arise during the relationship. This can include mediation or arbitration.

7. Termination of the relationship: The agreement should specify how the live-in relationship will end if one partner wants to break up.

In conclusion, a live-in relationship agreement is a crucial document for couples in India living together without getting married. It helps define the expectations of the partners and simplifies things in case of a breakup. While it may not be a legal document, it is still essential for any couple to ensure a healthy and stable relationship.