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Palm Oil Agreement Indonesia

Indonesia, the world`s largest producer of palm oil, recently signed a new agreement to increase production and exports of the controversial commodity. Supporters of the agreement say it will boost the country`s economy, while critics argue it will further harm the environment and human rights.

The agreement, signed in August 2021, involves the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Trade, and the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI). It aims to increase palm oil production from the current 48 million tons per year to 75 million tons by 2024, and exports from the current 35 million tons per year to 50 million tons by 2030.

The Indonesian government has long promoted palm oil as a major contributor to its economy, with the industry accounting for around 3% of the country`s GDP and providing employment for millions of people. However, the industry has also been heavily criticized for its impact on the environment and human rights.

Palm oil plantations have been linked to deforestation, habitat destruction, and the loss of biodiversity in Indonesia`s rainforests, which are some of the most biodiverse in the world. The burning of forests to make way for palm oil plantations has also been blamed for contributing to the country`s air pollution and the global climate crisis.

In addition, the industry has been accused of exploiting workers, including using child labor and forced labor, and violating the rights of Indigenous people and local communities.

Critics of the new agreement argue that it will only worsen these problems, as it will encourage more land clearance for palm oil plantations and more exploitation of workers. They also point out that the agreement does not address the ongoing issue of deforestation and the need to protect Indonesia`s rainforests.

Supporters of the agreement, however, argue that it will bring economic benefits to Indonesia and its people, including creating jobs and increasing exports. They also point out that the industry has made progress in recent years in adopting sustainable practices and addressing some of the environmental and social issues associated with palm oil production.

As a professional, it is important to note that the controversy surrounding palm oil production in Indonesia is not new and has been a subject of global concern for many years. It is likely that keywords related to the issue, such as “palm oil,” “Indonesia,” “environment,” “human rights,” and “economic development,” will be highly searched on search engines. Therefore, any articles or content related to the topic should include these relevant keywords and be optimized for SEO to reach a wider audience and increase visibility.