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Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement

Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement: What it is and Why it Matters

Relocating for work is a common practice in today`s job market. Companies often offer relocation packages to attract and retain employees. These packages typically include various expenses such as moving costs, travel expenses, and temporary living expenses. However, what happens if the employee decides to leave the company shortly after the relocation? The answer lies in the relocation expense repayment agreement.

What is a Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement?

A relocation expense repayment agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a company`s relocation package. It specifies the types of expenses covered, the maximum amount reimbursed, and the conditions for repayment. The agreement also includes a repayment clause, which states that the employee must repay the company a certain amount of money if they resign from their position within a specified period after the relocation.

Why do Companies Require a Relocation Expense Repayment Agreement?

Companies require a relocation expense repayment agreement to protect their investment in the employee`s relocation. The company incurs significant costs associated with relocating an employee, and the relocation package is designed to offset those expenses. If the employee leaves shortly after the relocation, the company loses the investment made in that employee`s relocation.

A repayment agreement ensures that the employee is committed to staying with the company for a specific period after the relocation. If the employee chooses to leave, they are required to repay the company for the expenses incurred. The agreement serves as a safeguard for the company, ensuring that its investment is protected.

What are the Typical Repayment Terms?

The repayment terms vary from company to company. The terms are usually outlined in the relocation expense repayment agreement and may include a fixed repayment amount or a percentage of the relocation expenses. The repayment period typically ranges from six months to two years after the relocation.

It is essential to read and understand the repayment terms before signing the agreement. Employees should also negotiate the terms if they feel that they are unreasonable or unfair.


Relocating for work can be an exciting opportunity, but it comes with significant expenses. A relocation expense repayment agreement is a legal document that ensures both the company and employee are protected. It outlines the terms and conditions of the relocation package and includes a repayment clause that requires the employee to repay the company if they resign shortly after the relocation. It is essential to read and understand the agreement and negotiate the terms if necessary.